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Alert! They’re about to sneak through a NAIS clone in Tennessee

Dear Friends,

Rep. Frank Niceley called this morning about an Ag Committee meeting next Tuesday morning, March 6, at 9:15 a.m. in Room 29 of the Legislative Plaza in the State Capitol in Nashville.

Speaking before the committee will be Jim Acres, head of The South East Livestock Network. He favours the National Animal Identification System and will, no doubt, be addressing how it (or some clone of it) will benefit Tennessee.

It is reasonable to assume that this speaker has been brought in to drum up support for Rep. Litz (Morristown) HB 1855 and Sen. Southerland�s companion bill SB 1996, which will authorize the Commissioner of Agriculture to implement a �voluntary� Animal Identification System in Tennessee.

Rep. Niceley said that we need people in the room opposing this bill and this speaker. We don�t know if Rep. Niceley or anyone else will be allowed to offer rebuttal, but just your presence will slow this bill down and help kill it.

There is nothing nice or innocent about this bill and its supporters. Both represent a direct threat to our ancient common law right to raise animals to support ourselves and our families. What�s more, when they take this right, they�ll charge us for it, all the while promising that it�s for our own protection.

Please stand with us. Please make every effort to be at the Ag Committee meeting next Tuesday morning, March 6, at 9:15 in Room 29 of the Legislative Plaza in the State Capitol in Nashville.

If you can join us, we would like to make it obvious who we are. Red shirts stand out. If you have a red shirt, please wear it.

Also, it is critical that you forward a link to this alert to as many people as possible.

We need to know how many people will be coming. Would you please e-mail me if you plan to come, and tell me how many will be coming with you?

NO NAIS! Not now, not ever, not even a clone!